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Chwarae yn y cyfryngau






Dyma grynodeb o’r erthyglau a’r blogiau diweddaraf yn ymwneud â chwarae a gyhoeddwyd ar-lein. 

UK families tell of threats and police warnings over children playing in street
Harriet Grant, The Guardian

Mae’r erthygl hon yn tynnu sylw at y problemau y mae plant yn y DU yn eu hwynebu wrth chwarae y tu allan lle maent yn byw – fel rhybuddion gan yr heddlu, ymweliadau gwasanaethau cymdeithasol a bygythiadau gan gymdogion.

Darllen yr erthygl

Cars, dog poo, and delivery drivers: why children don’t play out anymore
Harriet Grant, The Guardian

Darllen yr erthygl

Wrecsam yn anelu at ddod yn ‘Brifddinas chwarae’
Erthygl gwadd gan Chwarae Cymru, Newyddion Cyngor Wrecsam

Mae’r erthygl hon yn rhoi trosolwg o’r gwaith y mae Wrecsam yn ei wneud i ddod yn sir wirioneddol gyfeillgar i blant drwy wella amodau ar gyfer chwarae plant.

Darllen yr erthygl

Adventurous play for a healthy childhood: Facilitators and barriers identified by parents in Britain
Brooke Oliver, Rachel Nesbit, Rachel McCloy, Kate Harvey a Helen Dodd, Social Science & Medicine

Mae’r erthygl hon yn archwilio sut y gall chwarae anturus cyfyngedig effeithio’n negyddol ar iechyd corfforol a meddyliol plentyn.

Darllen yr erthygl

Recess Is Good For Kids. Why Don’t More States Require It?
Monica Potts, FiveThirtyEight

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How Two-Eyed Seeing, ‘Etuaptmumk,’ is changing outdoor play in early childhood education
Louise Zimanyi and Albert D. Marshall, The Conversation

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New Research Shows Why Kids Need Play for Mental Health
Rebecca Rolland, Psychology Today

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How 1950s bombsites in the UK were turned into adventure playgrounds
Ben Highmore, The Conversation

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Spaces for children’s play and travel close to home: the importance of threshold spaces
Holly Weir, Children’s Geographies

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‘Playgrounds need tech,’ says leading child psychologist. Bring on the iPads?
Alice Giddings, Metro

Darllen yr erthygl


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