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Chwarae yn y cyfryngau






Dyma grynodeb o’r erthyglau a’r blogiau diweddaraf yn ymwneud â chwarae a gyhoeddwyd ar-lein.

‘Urgent need’ to implement changes to play infrastructure in Wales – report
Simon Weedy, Child in the City

Mae’r erthygl hon yn sôn am gyhoeddiad adroddiad grŵp llywio yr Adolygiad Gweinidogol o Gyfleoedd Chwarae gan Lywodraeth Cymru.

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‘Play therapy’ essential for children who suffered trauma from twin quakes
Rabia Ali, Anadolu Agency (AA)

Mae’r erthygl hon yn egluro y dylid plant gael lle i chwarae a therapi chwarae i’w helpu i ddelio â thrawma a ddaw yn sgîl daeargrynfeydd.

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How play can help children cope in uncertain times
Dr Sarah Aiono, Stuff

Mae’r erthygl hon yn archwilio sut, ar adegau o drawma, neu ddigwyddiadau heriol, mae plant yn naturiol yn gwybod sut i wneud synnwyr o’u byd trwy chwarae.

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Kids Need Leisure Time as Much as Adults Do
Suzanne Degges-White, Psychology Today

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‘All work, no independent play’ cause of children’s declining mental health
Gisele Galoustian, Science Daily

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Independent play is good for children’s mental health
Andrei Ionescu,

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RCH poll shows families need more help to reap the benefits of play for children
Freya Lucas, The Sector

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Parents should learn to play with children
Sally Robinson, The Daily News

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Why play therapy is a leading form of therapy for children, according to psychologists
Kelly Burch, Insider

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The Psychology Of Play: Why Kids And Adults Should Play Outside
Dr Jeremy Dean, PsyBlog

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Just Let the Kids Play and Have Fun
David Udelf, Psychology Today

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