Dyma grynodeb o’r erthyglau, blogiau a phodlediadau diweddaraf yn ymwneud â chwarae a gyhoeddwyd ar-lein.
Play Wales: ‘Nothing could be more important to children’s lives than play’
Simon Weedy, Child in the city
Mae’r erthygl hon yn adrodd ar lansiad ein ffilm, Dyma pam mae chwarae mor bwysig sy’n dathlu chwarae ac yn amlygu ei bwysigrwydd i bob plentyn.
Welsh minister says Tories waging ‘culture war’ over new 20mph limit
Steven Morris, The Guardian
Mae’r erthygl hon yn trafod cyflwyno’r terfyn cyflymder 20mya yng Nghymru ac yn cyfeirio at y llythyr agored o gefnogaeth i’r gyfraith newydd gan sefydliadau gan gynnwys Chwarae Cymru.
Gender and Play
Jenny Lester, Play Scotland
Mae’r erthygl blog hon yn archwilio’r berthynas rhwng chwarae a rhywedd, ac yn ystyried materion fel risg, dillad ac esgidiau, dylanwad oedolion a mannau ar gyfer chwarae.
Cost of living means parents have less time to play with children, according to poll
Holly Patrick, The Independent
No music, no ball games, no fun: society is wiping out play
Oliver Keens, The Independent
‘I don’t think that it’s play. Because we have to play’. Norwegian six-year-old children’s understandings of play when they start in primary school
Maja Reinåmo Olsson, International Journal of Play
Lego to sell bricks coded with braille to help vision-impaired children read
Sarah Butler, The Guardian
‘That’s getting a bit wild, kids!’ Why children love to play-fightand why it is good for them
Emily Freeman, The Conversation
IPA Takeover: PEEK (Possibilities for Each and Every Kid)
Play Scotland Play Well Podcast